A meeting
of generations
Mencarelli & Avaltroni expanded at the point when two generations encountered one other: a dynamic equilibrium where every choice is the result of two forces, equal and opposite. The force of experience and the force of innovation.
We launched our activity in 1974 as a turnery for stainless steel nuts and, over time, we have specialised in the production of custom designed lathed small parts. Nowadays, we work with a number of companies in the car and household appliance industries and we have important references for the production of parts for ironclad electric resistors.

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Contact Us
Call or write to us for further information or to initiate a new project
Mencarelli & Avaltroni s.n.c
Via Niccolini, 6/8
60030 Serra de' Conti (AN)
Via Niccolini, 6/8
60030 Serra de' Conti (AN)
T. +39.0731.879603
F. +39.0731.879717
F. +39.0731.879717